Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Transfer Week - and pictures!!

Hi guys!

So this week, we were in a trio, and it was a ton of fun! We did so much work! Everyday we would take a different member out with us in the evening, so one of us would go with them and then the others would go somewhere else, and everything ran so smoothly! It was great! In 7 days we went out with 8 different members to teach!

And we found a lot of new people to teach this week as well!

On Friday night I went on splits with a member to go teach, but all the lessons and backup plans that we had fell through, so we just ended up trying by stopping and talking to people on the doorstep and on the streets at night, and I was pretty disappointed because I thought I'd let the member down. But then on Sunday that guy gave a talk, and in his talk he talked about how much he had loved going out with the missionaries and how it had totally set up his weekend! In fact all the members that came out with us are just going on and on about how great it was! It was a good week for sure.

Also, that member who gave the talk his name is Joel Miller and he served his mission in Calgary maybe seven or so years ago, maybe more, but he lived for like a week or two in the Ockey's house when they had missionaries living with them, and he talked about how they would be studying and the teenage son was always playing video games. Small world in the church.

There's also a member who lives in this ward who lived in Calgary for a few years, and his sister still lives out there her surname is Erasmus.

And there's another member who just came back from staying in Calgary for a week with her family in Mackenzie Town.

So lots of people here know Calgary.
I'm sorry Mama but nobody knows Edmonton....    

But anyways, great week here and I love being a missionary, oh and transfer news! I'm staying with Elder Boswell here in Huddersfield, but Elder Korte is moving to Skipton to serve with Elder Narine, who I lived with in Hull, who is the Homie.

And Elder Ma'a is moving to serve in North Shields!

And in our flat we're getting two new Elder's, who are area booking the area, and one of them is going to be a brand new trainee!

So in the district now, there is going to be three missionaries who are in their first 12 weeks program being trained! And I have to be the leader of this group and the good example for them, which should be interesting, but fun!

Also we went to York for a meeting on Tuesday I'll send you some pics!

Love you guys!

Elder Thompson
Elder Duff returned home with honour

One of Jenny's friends ran into a bunch of missionaries at a take away in town and wanted to take selfies on my iPad

Some of the youth in the Huddersfield 1 ward

Elder Ma'a

The river in York

The York Minster

Selfie with the Minster

The trio

Another door sign

[When I said -- what?  You have an ipad?  He was emailing home today at a time when i was already awake]

Remember when I was with Elder Dickson and I wrote about having a special mission meeting where they talked all about iPad's and then in July they gave them to us? Well lol apparently not!

We use them for showing videos, I use them for the notes app a lot to store important information. I use the calendar to plan. I use the camera, I use it for the maps, so I don't have to carry a map around, and I use it for gospel library! There's also an app called LDS pamphlets which I use a lot when teaching, you should download it it's really cool

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